Public Hearing - Town of Bentley Proposed Annexation - This event has already occurred
Event Details
The Land and Property Rights Tribunal (Tribunal) will conduct a public hearing respecting an application by the Town of Bentley (Town) to annex land from Lacombe County (County). The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m....
The Land and Property Rights Tribunal (Tribunal) will conduct a public hearing respecting an application by the Town of Bentley (Town) to annex land from Lacombe County (County). The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. via WebEx
The proposed annexation area involves approximately 221 acres (89 hectares) of land. The application states that the proposed annexation provide the Town with land for future commercial and industrial growth.
Although the two municipalities have negotiated an agreement, an objection to the proposed annexation requires the Tribunal to conduct a public hearing. The public hearing process will allow the Tribunal to receive information and evidence from interested parties about this matter. After considering the submissions from all parties, the Tribunal will make an annexation recommendation to the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
A hard copy of the annexation application can be viewed at both the Town and the County municipal offices during normal business hours. A map of the annexation area and information about the proposed annexation can be found on the Town's website
If you wish to participate in the hearing and/or want to make an oral submission to the Tribunal during the proceedings, please register with the Tribunal office by 12:00 noon on Friday, August 6, 2024. Written submissions pertaining to the hearing should be received by the Tribunal no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, August 6, 2024. Copies of all written submissions received by the Tribunal will be forwarded to the Town and the County prior to the hearing and may be made available to the public.
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