PUBLIC HEARING | Dow Chemical Canada ULC Expansion (Proposed LUB Amendment) - This event has already occurred
Event Details
DOW Chemical is seeking permission to rezone approximately 9.03 acres (3.65 hectares) of Pt. SW 31-39-25-W4M, from Agricultural ‘A’ District to Heavy Industrial ‘I-HI’ District. This rezoning is being requested to facilitate an expansion of their...
DOW Chemical is seeking permission to rezone approximately 9.03 acres (3.65 hectares) of Pt. SW 31-39-25-W4M, from Agricultural ‘A’ District to Heavy Industrial ‘I-HI’ District. This rezoning is being requested to facilitate an expansion of their existing rail yard.
Lacombe County is holding a Public Hearing to present the proposed bylaw and allow members of the public to provide input before adoption. Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed bylaw will have an opportunity to do so at the Public Hearing.
*Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting in person or virtually using Zoom. Please see the Public Hearing Ad attached below for attendance options.
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